There is no reason in the world that fast food need be unhealthy. In fact, there are clear examples of improved menus in popular fast food restaurants. In addition, there are some successful fast food restaurants based on highly healthy foods.
Achieving harmony with food that upregulates, that wakes up the body from the genes and the cells on up, is a massive opportunity. The point isn't what consumers can't have, it is what they have never had. If the food is convenient to eat, if it up-regulates, and if it introduces new, exotic tastes that broaden the palate, it can be memorable. We wish to work with organizations in this industry to understand and to benefit from deep context such as will never be available through queries and searching through email messages from other online sources. The object is to provide real-time, customized fast food that will make people feel better, something that is not achievable with the traditional high salt, sugar, and fat fast food diet.