As a professional physical therapist, Larry Farnes has long been aware of the need to help clients maintain good posture and good movement habits 24-hours-a-day, rather than just when they are in his office. Indeed, the deep context achieved through use of the Performance Quotient (PQ) and Principles-Based Learning points to individualized needs people have regarding furniture, appliances, and the physical layout of living environments. There are many opportunities for the design and manufacture of customized furniture to meet the specific needs of individuals, given this model.
Providing unique, customized furniture and appliances leverages the famous "Internet of things" idea, where many common items are connected to the Internet and are adaptable and configurable. The opportunity also has much to do with Universal Design. which is intended as a means of organizing facilities and things to meet the specific needs of individuals, particularly those with disabilities.
Dr. Tingey has made presentations outlining benefits from use of a common data and logical engine to control how personal devices work. Data controlled systems driven by fluidity show particular power. Using the power and flexibility of logic trees, all devices and systems can fully integrate, functioning in complete awareness of all relevant elements in the system. Nothing would thus need to be "downloaded" or "uploaded" or "interfaced". They and we would all speak the same language, just like the environment enjoyed by musicians in a symphony orchestra. This is not an analogy. Really.