Why didn't computers help earlier?
Peter Drucker said it best in the late 1990s. Computers -- then and now -- proved to be quite a disappointment. High volume, brute transactions could be supported, but not knowledge-based, complex processes.
Knowledge-driven universal coverage developed out of the 2020 Program, a synthesis of several important developments. The point is, perfection is possible. In fact, it is more possible with many people than a few, certainly more with many than with one.
Why doesn't knowledge count for more than it does in terms of computing? There is a joke in the world of research that there are three phases in research efforts, leading to a dead end. The first phase of study is concept development, the second involves building of working prototype to prove out the idea, and the third is where the idea "falls off the table" into a dusty bin from lack of support. Certainly more than a few viable solutions to our problems and opportunities for social gains are hidden in "dusty bins" of libraries and publications, not used now, and maybe never.
We seem to be helpless in this. The problem is, the bigger we get, the greater the costs from our fumbling about. There is certainly a factor with regard to sustainability. The 2020 Program leverages sound, but little-known developments that allow us to turn to tide on knowledge, to learn more deeply, to link discovery and use more systematically, and to perform with perfection, improving our capacities with every move. Sound unlikely, perhaps even impossible? Don't tell the musicians. They do exactly that, and have been doing it for hundreds of years.