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Improved performance in the offing

Poor performance of organizations is a modern disappointment. How is it that solutions to perennial problems of governance and performance have not been resolved, given great effort and many available resources? Is it an impossible task? Clearly not, as performers, most specifically, musicians, have long ago conquered information processing and technological challenges in their realm, to great effect. Principles that came to their aid can help us all as outlined in the three key developments below.

The first of these developments began in the 1920s at Western Electric in New Jersey. A physicist there, Walter Shewhart, developed a statistical approach to managing processes. His novel approach to statistics and to processes opened new doors.

Second were the findings of Dell Allen, a lifelong professor of manufacturing technologies who conceived of a logical bridge between static and active ways of organizing and managing logic.

Third is an effort by Kenneth Tingey to reclaim an approach to accounting, financial and otherwise, that expands on benefits of accounting for performance and helps support ongoing improvement. Knowledge-driven universal coverage inherits a level confidence from these areas. They add credence to the thought that people in health and medicine can find groundings for similar levels of performance.